Saturday, August 12, 2006

Eastpointe, MI - New City Manager Appointed

August 8th, 2006

Mayor and City Council appointed Mr. Darwin Parks, as City Manager.

Let's give Mr. Parks a respectable and fair opportunity to settle into Eastpointe.
We must all and can work together as a community should, a model City that we all can be proud of, leaving the past baggage behind as we move forward and position our City into the future.

Welcome to Eastpointe Mr. Parks.

More can be found on the link below

Eastpointe, MI - Special Meeting - Community Center Roof Replacement

A special meeting will be held on August 15th, @ 6:00pm at City Hall.

Information on the roof condition and replacement can be found at

or select the link on the right side of this site titled - Eastpointe City Council Packets.

Another possible $450,000. + of our tax dollars into the money pit.
What other options are available?
Should only a portion of the roof be repaired at this time?
Make short term repairs to prevent further damage and sell off the building?

Council meeting 8/15/06 - Hold spending until study of all city owned buildings has been completed and reviewd by Council and Mayor - look at overall picture.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Eastpointe, MI - Be a good Samaritan

If you see an opportunity to help out a fellow neighbor, just do it.

Maybe it's only taking out or bringing in the waste containers, edging the side walks, picking up trash by the street curb.
Even the most simple items will be noticed.
This not only helps our neighbors but also our city, so let's help each other when and where we can.
Don't rely on the city staff or others to handle it all, it's virtually impossible, no matter which city one may reside in.

Your neighbor