Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Eastpointe, MI - Items requiring Attention & Action

Listed are just a few items for now, that require attention with a proper response in a timely manner from Elected officials and/or Department Heads.

1. City Web site Information needs to be maintained, requiring continual updates.

2. Colors and coordinating color choices and small size of text on the City Channel needs corrective improvements, unable to read information clearly, if at all. Additional, useful information could be included on this public channel.

3. Provide City Master Plan on City Web site. What new grants have been submitted and received from the results of this master plan?

4. Hopefully one of our City departments is insuring that owners of rental homes, apartments, etc. are provided all information covering ordinances and that owners of such, are responsible to provide same to renters. How do renters and new home owners know the rules and regulations of our city?
City provides materials and volunteer groups could easily assembly these packets. Could also provide courtesy reminders in the same mailing with the water bill. Select most important items pertaining to various times of the year. Such as, no posting any signs on public property, street signs, utility poles, vehicles, when to set out and remove trash containers, etc. Please remember to recycle.

5. Plantings are blocking Welcome to Eastpointe signs. Remove incorrect plantings, trim or replace with low growing variety or keep raising the sign up as the plantings grow.
When flower beds are not kept up or not selected by volunteers, city staff has to maintain at our expense. P&R may need to reduce the number of beds if they can't keep up properly. Parks & Recreation responsibility. Maybe consider having the beautification handle.

6. Several illegal plantings between curb and sidewalk, as well as being to close to walks on private property. City code requires residences/businesses to request written permission with approval from the city first!
Several illegal plantings should be removed immediately so as not to cause problems later on to sidewalks, underground and overhead utilities. Is this another Parks & Recreation responsibility? If so, this needs to be changed.

7. Vegetation/trees/bushes/etc., are encroaching onto public walkways which are and can be hazardous, from branches, thorns, needles, metal and stone edging, etc.
A clear elevation should be at least 8' above the public walkways to allow for those riding bicycles. If this is also another responsibility by P&R they should be relieved of such duties and hopefully handled properly by DPW, contractor and/or property owner.

8. A resident proposed an idea at the August, 06 council meeting, asking if the city would assist in discussions/coordination with the same contractor used in the city tree trimming/removal program. This would allow residents to utilize this contractor which should provide a cost reduction for both sides based by volume. This would be a similar arrangement/option as with the sidewalk replacement program.
Since there are several Ash trees in the city that are dead or dying, and to prevent /reduce the further spreading of the Ash bore, does the State have some form of a compensation/shared removal replacement cost program?

9. Why is it that the city goes out for bids put does not embark on further cost reductions through a targeting process?
This is a legal and proven cost reduction process, used throughout the world in several areas of industry for many years now. The bidding process is only the first step. These bids do not mean that the amount could not be reduced further, without removing scope content. Always ask and allow alternative options from the bidders.

10. There needs to be some form of dialog between Elected officials and individuals that present suggestions and have placed questions to these officials. The percentage of follow-up is extremely slim at best. Yes, a few do get answered from time to time but elected officials are very selective as to which ones.
Since very few of the council members seem to volunteer taking on questions and followup of items from the public, maybe the Mayor should ask and/or assign tasks equally to Council members. This would hopefully provide an increase in followup/response to questions, comments and ideas. An immediate answer is not necessarily required or even wise. The public simply wants an accurate follow-up in a reasonable time frame, period.

11. Residents would appreciate if each elected official would give a brief follow-up at each general council meeting on items they are looking into, working on, completed, etc. Monthly, each Department head should give a brief update on their department's accomplishments, open tasks, etc.
Why is it so difficult to share a greater amount of our city information with your fellow residents, neighbors, businesses and friends? This is nothing different than when friends and neighbors are together, sharing the day's events, accomplishments and interests with each other.

12. On another item, Mayor and council need to refrain from mentioning personal and family birthdays, anniversaries, kids going to college, my son this, my daughter that. Respectfully, this is not the place or time for such and better discretion should be used. Council meetings are for items related directly to and about our city. A few thank-you's for city associated items would be sufficient and proper. Imagine, the meeting time would be reduced if these personal topics were eliminated...... and they discussed about reducing our 5 minutes for The Hearing of the Public and have also mentioned only allowing one opportunity Vs the two we have and also reducing our time to 3 minutes, with only comments on the current agenda. Practice what you preach.

13. Here's an interesting idea, have the Code enforcement officers walk or bike ride their areas of responsibility at least 2-3 times per month if not more, weather permitting. This has several positive advantages other than the typical driving around in a vehicle. They can experience possible public sidewalk issues that need attention, improved ability to see into yards, by viewing from the sidewalk vs from the street, take the opportunity to greet residences and business owners, ask if they have any issues or concerns. If there yards / property are kept up and looking nice, then tell them so, if not, ask them to please correct and improve for the benefit of all. If they need help, provide some form of an assistance list so residences may know the situation and offer assistance. A further thought - have Police officers do the same say once or twice per month.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Eastpointe, MI - Water - Questions, Comments, Thoughts

Why is a higher water usage rate charged for having larger supply line and/or Meter?

Water usage is water usage!
Waste water may not have increased just due to a larger supply line or meter. Explain please.

Residences, please make sure the line size/meter listed on your bill is correct.
Detailed Water Info, second item listed, Example - 5/8 General Maintenance. 5/8 is the line size and I believe the meter as well, not clear on bill. City Web site says "meter size". See link below.

Water bill late fee penalty 5% dropped August 1, 06 to July, 31, 07.

No longer an incentive to pay on time.
Could just keep your money in the bank and then pay up on July 31, 07 by close of business.
Amounts due prior to 8/1/06 will still have late penalty applied.
Found various residents owe large amounts with even one of our own Council members owing $788.74.

A. What is being done to immediately collect the past due amounts?
The % for each month late should be increased per month or an increase to the current flat rate late fee, and a cap based on amount and/or period to fully collect within so many months from original due date.

B. When did EP become a lending institution?
I don't recall this on an agenda notice.

C. On-line Utility Assessing accounts missing important information - billing period date, due date, current amount over due and number of weeks or months overdue.

Hopefully company replacing water meters are notifying residences when the inside dwelling shut off is defective.

Without this inside shutoff functioning, individuals will have no way to turn the supply off themselves. The only way to turn off the main supply after the new meter is installed would be to call the Public Works & Services (445-5053) during normal business hours to have the underground, outside stop box valve turned off with the special wrench.

A. This would then be a charge correct?

B. How much?

Change of mechanical water meters to electronic auto read water meters came from the water and sewer fund.

A. Council approved the amount of approx $2.2 million dollars. Current figure mentioned at an August council meeting closer to $3.0 million. What is the real figure now?

B. What are the exact reasons for the cost over runs?

C. Is there not a fixed contract with the installer?

D. Since Wayne O'Neal botched several other repair/replacement estimates, how many others are wrong and what are they?

E. Are water bills being estimated OR are they being read manually until the auto read system is operational sometime next year?

F. If they are being estimated now, could we be in for a real surprise when the auto system goes on line providing the promised actual reading correct?

G. No "Key" of abbreviations listed on the water bill.

H. Suggested Water bill updates, Example - Usage rate 50 Units/ 2900 cubic feet/Gallons X rate per gallon. Make the bill clear and simple.

I. Info on back of water bill - 750 gallons = 1 unit of water, which we all will take as correct.
Info on Eastpointe Water Info (Web site) list different water bill example, make example larger so one can read, 1 unit of water is 100 cubic feet = 748 gallons.

J. Why does payment location list Detroit, PO Box Vs Eastpointe PO Box or even City Hall Water Dept?

K. Is Item "J" an outsourced process, another firm or bank collects the mailings, makes the deposits, EP accounting receives deposit slip, the payment posting is by EP?

L. What is meant by ***Checks are a conditional payment*** on the bill when mailing? No riddles Please, explain clearly.

M. Monthly water bill Vs quarterly bill would allow ease in budgeting.
What about offering monthly budget plan?

It would have been more logical to have spent the New water meter funds directly into our old water and sewer system infrastructure.

No mater how great the new meters may be or possibly a bit more accurate than some in the city, the greatest portion of water lost is due to the underground water supply system directly, leaking shutoffs, pipes, etc.

A. What is the difference of the amount of water accounted for compared to actual usage based on the two main city meters?

B. City broken down into separate metered areas correct?

C. Understandable that amount of unmetered water such as fire department usage will need to be estimated but, Public Works should have previous records for a good estimate.

D. What and where are the other unmetered water usage points?

E. Are the Public Works main water meters going to be replaced as well since they too are old and possibly not as accurate?

F. Noticed over the past year that the main incoming water pressure seems to have been reduced. This has affected proper functioning of irrigation and most important water saver (low gallon) toilets, which are designed to function correctly based on sufficient water pressure. What is the main water pressure at the Public Works? PW must be monitoring the pressure, What have been the ranges over the past 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year? What are the required high and low pressure limits that are to be provided and maintained?